अशोक समारोह– आईटीडीसी की एक कार्यनीतिक व्यापार इकाई, एक प्रमुख इवेंट मैनेजमेंट एजेंसी है जो सम्मेलन, प्रदर्शनियों, कार्यशालाओं / सेमिनारों और अन्य राष्ट्रीय और अंतर्राष्ट्रीय कार्यक्रमों को संभालती है। अशोक इवेंट्स की मुख्य क्षमता सेवाओं के संपूर्ण सरगम के लिए एक व्यावसायिक सम्मेलन आयोजक के रूप में सम्पूर्ण समाधान (एक स्टॉप ) प्रदान कर रही है। इन-हाउस डिज़ाइन और प्रिंट विशेषज्ञता की सहायता से, यह मुद्रण सेवाएँ भी प्रदान करता है। कंपनी ने बड़े पैमाने पर इवेंट मैनेजमेंट में अपनी छाप छोड़ी है और इसकी समृद्ध विशेषज्ञता के साथ इसमें एक शानदार ग्राहक सूची है जिसमें सरकारी मंत्रालय, विभाग, स्वायत्त निकाय और प्राधिकरण शामिल हैं। अशोक इवेंट्स पर्यटन मंत्रालय की निर्दिष्ट एजेंसी है जो सम्मेलनों, कार्यशालाओं, पुरस्कार समारोहों और राष्ट्रीय महत्व के अन्य कार्यक्रमों को संभालने के लिए नामित की जाती है।
अशोक समारोह
सम्मेलन, कार्यशालाएं और सेमिनार
प्रदर्शनी और पवेलियन
उत्सव, मार्ट्स, पर्व और निर्वाचिका सभा
डिजाइन और प्रिंट समाधान
“The 4th Meeting of the Governing Council of NITI Aayog was held at Rashtrapati Bhawan Cultural Centre on Sunday, the 17th June, 2018. With Hon’ble Prime Minister as Chairman and all the Chief Ministers/LGs of States and UTs participating as Members, the Governing Council’s meeting is undoubtedly one of the highest level of Government of India meetings. I wish to place on record that your team in the ITDC-Ashok Events, alongwith their staff members had put in a lot of efforts to provide services and make this event a success and their sincerity, dedication and willingness to carry out even the last minute changes without any hesitation, proved to be a strong point and resulted in successful completion of the event.
Additional Secretary, National Institution for Transforming India, NITI Aayog
“The 7th International Tourism Mart (ITM)-2018 which was held in Agartala, Tripura from 22nd to 24th November, 2018 was a grand success and I take this opportunity to complement you and your team for making all the arrangements for this event. Hon’ble Minister and the Secretary have also appreciated the good work done by ITDC.
Director General, Govt. of India, Ministry of Tourism
“I take this opportunity to commend the India Tourism Development for aesthetically designing the ‘Incredible India Pavilion’ during the 4th Global Exhibition of Services which effectively showcased the varied tourism products of India to the International delegates. The pavilion was also appreciated by the Ministry of Commerce, Services Export Promotion Council and visitors alike.'
Director General, Govt. of India, Ministry of Tourism
“On behalf of Department of Public Enterprises, I would like to convey our sincere thanks to ITDC for the cooperation extended in the successful organization of CPSE Conclave held on 9th April, 2018 at Vigyan Bhawan, New Delhi. We would also like to thank the team for their excellent support.'
Secretary, Department of Public Enterprises, Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises
“I am happy to inform you that the inauguration function of CIC building on 6th March, 2018 has been successfully organised. On behalf of the Commission, I would like to thank you for the work done for organizing the event successfully. The work was especially appreciated in the Commission.'
Secretary, Central Information Commission
“The Indian Pavilion at the World urban Forum (WUF9), organized under the aegis of UN-HABITAT, at Kuala Lumpur from 7-11 February , 2018 was inaugurated by Hon’ble Minister of State for Housing & Urban Affairs (IC). The theme of the Indian Exhibition, which represented the ethos and success of our Urban Stories had turned out very well and was generously appreciated by one and all. Hon’ble Minister greatly appreciated the efforts that were put in by the ITDC for the successful culmination of the Exhibition and also conduct of various activities in the Indian Pavilion.”
Additional Secretary, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
It gives me immense pleasure to place on record my deep appreciation on behalf of NITI Aayog for the commendable work done by ITDC – Ashok Events towards the successful execution of India’s first “National Conference of Chief Secretaries” from 15th to 17th June, 2022 at Dharamshala, Himachal Pradesh. This event was graced by Hon\'ble Prime Minister of India along with Chief Secretaries of States & Union Territories and Secretaries to the Government of India. The event was meticulously planned with minute attention to detail and executed to perfection. The arrangements in the 3-day Conference were appreciated by all dignitaries attending, which has again demonstrated the professional capabilities of ITDC-Ashok Events.
Amitabh Kant
हमारी गैलरी
अशोक इवेंट्स डिवीजन
भारत पर्यटन विकास निगम लिमिटेड
(भारत सरकार का उपक्रम)
अशोक तृतीय तल, 50-बी चाणक्यपुरी नई दिल्ली - 110021
टेलीफोन: 91-11-26872616
ईमेल: ashokevents@itdc.co.in
वेबसाइट: www.itdc.co.in